
Monday, February 11, 2013


HYSTERIA by Megan Miranda
Last week, I went to the book launch for HYSTERIA by local author, Megan Miranda.

I waited patiently in line with my critique partner, watching the stack of books dwindle, hoping there would be enough. (Note to self: buy the book as soon as you walk in the store next time.)

Beth Revis, author of the ACROSS THE UNIVERSE series, was is line behind me, being her sweet self. (I've noticed the YA authors in North Carolina look out for each other, and it's just one more reason I want to join the ranks.)

It was so nice to see the many supportive fans, friends and family of author- Megan's dad beaming over her as she signed book after book. Juxtaposition at it's finest, I tell you, because I have no idea where a girl like Megan gets such creepy ideas. No idea.



Mallory killed her boyfriend, Brian. She can't remember the details of that night but everyone knows it was self-defense, so she isn't charged. But Mallory still feels Brian's presence in her life. Is it all in her head? Or is it something more? In desperate need of a fresh start, Mallory is sent to Monroe, a fancy prep school where no one knows her . . . or anything about her past.But the feeling follows her, as do her secrets. Then, one of her new classmates turns up dead. As suspicion falls on Mallory, she must find a way to remember the details of both deadly nights so she can prove her innocence-to herself and others.

Part of the excerpt from the back cover:

   "You're sending me to Monroe," I said. I phrased it like an accusation, but it still came out sounding like a question. This wasn't the first time Dad had tried to send me to Monroe.
   "Over my dead body." Mom had said back then.
   Apparently, two years ago, my mother had lied. Apparently, any dead body would do.

Read the first chapter here.

About Megan Miranda:

Megan graduated with a degree in Biology from MIT and spent her post-college years working in biotech and, later, teaching high school Science. She now lives in North Carolina with her family. FRACTURE is her first novel.

Megan also belongs to the Women's National Book Association, Charlotte Chapter, where I'm the membership chair - remember?

If you missed the HYSTERIA launch, Megan will be at the WNBA-C “Meet the Authors” event on

Monday, March 11, 7 – 9 PM
Park Road Books, Park Road Shopping Center
4139 Park Road, Charlotte 28209


  1. That's so awesome that you ran into Beth waiting in line!

  2. How fun. I popped over and read the first chapter--outstanding.

  3. It was so lovely to meet you at Megan's event, Carolyn! My favorite part of your post was questioning where a person like Megan gets such creepy ideas. I've asked myself that question, too :)
    The event was wonderful and so is the book - although I admit to being too scared to keep reading late at night. Some parts are better left for daytime reading if you're a bit of a chicken (I am).
    I look forward to seeing you - and Megan - at the event on March 11th.
    Glad to find your blog as well!
    Marilee Haynes

  4. Oh, wow! That book sounds WAY cool and creepy! :D I love the whole murder, can't remember, but everyone knows it was self defense... how do they know? How come she can't remember?

    Looks like I need to get the book! LOL! You NC writers have tons of fun~ <3

  5. Hey, Carolyn, I just saw Burnt Amber on the ABNA list of books that made it to the next level. Congrats!!

  6. Wow! I like the first book, but I like the second book's teaser best. I hope you're enjoying them.

    rowena of Votive Candles


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