
Thursday, November 4, 2010

Where I Come From

Bird eye view of Mersin with Mediterranean SeaImage via Wikipedia
Well, it's not exactly where I come from, but I thought I'd share a few pictures of my husband's home town, Mersin. I lived there for a while and there's always a piece of it with me.

The town has known many names. Içel is the formal government name for the city and the surrounding region. In ancient times, it was known as Zephyrium. (Lucky for me, since zephyr has always been one of my favorite words. Ask my high school English teacher.) Mersin is the name we answer to now.

Fun little fact....the word Mersin means blueberry. Apparently, wild blueberries grow in the nearby foothills of the Toros mountains. (And yet...I couldn't find a single one to eat while I was there? Just think of all the yummy jams I could have made.)


Mersin is located on the Mediterranean coast just above Cyprus and is an important port city. In fact, the city is now home to the largest Free Port in Turkey. The expanded port injected the local economy with capital and many new neighborhoods. Unfortunately, it also caused urban sprawl all the way to our small village outside the city.

The market center of the old city is only open for foot traffic now (thankfully) and the Flamigo Yol avenue along the water is lined with lovely gardens for strolling and restaurants where the city's inhabitants love to play.

There are lots of ancient sites around Mersin, like Olba , Kizkalesi  and The Cave of Cennet, which appear in my writing or inspire it in some way. You'll see more of them in future posts, I'm sure.


  1. Such a world traveler you are. Sad urban sprawl ruins so much of what we love. I have blueberries in the freezer, should I thaw some for you? :D
    Jules @ Trying To Get Over The Rainbow

  2. So much to explore!! Thank you!! What a beautiful location - and such a sprawling city - saved by the amazing vistas and history! I love that it's named after the wonderful and versatile blueberry too.

    My (future) holiday is now booked! :-) take care

  3. that first picture makes me think of Manhattan with those skyscrapers all the way to the water like that. Blueberries... mmm... :D <3

  4. Look spectacular and made me think I should go viist where I came from/ was born, Calgary, some day :O)

  5. Gorgeous picture. I love the Flamigo Yol avenue. What a great stroll that would be.

  6. It looks like a beautiful place. :)

  7. How much fun it would be to travel all the countries of the world and see other cultures. Thanks for sharing!


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