
Friday, November 5, 2010


...undulating fields of them stretching their necks toward the sky.

The plains of Anatolia are blanketed with sunflowers in the summer. Turkey exports lots of sunflower oil and Turkish people love to snack on roasted, salted sunflower seeds.

I find solidarity with the humble sunflower:

One writer in a field of many, all of us yearning for the same thing.  Our sun is the agent and when one shines down on us, however briefly (partial request), we soak it up. When agents turn away from us (rejectons), our heads droop. But when the next agent comes by, we're just as ready to let them shine on us too.

And least we forget..

Jessica at The Alliterative Allimorph is reminding us to Celebrate the Little Things.  She's hosting a giveaway with awesome prizes (Amazon gift certificates!) to celebrate her blog reaching an amazing 450 followers. Check it out!
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  1. Wow! That field of sunflowers is gorgeous!

  2. I always love driving along a field of sunflowers!!!!! And I love seeing them in gardens. They just brighten up the day! And the seeds aren't bad either as munchies!
    Take care

  3. I love sunflowers, they just seem to bring a smile to all they greet. :)

    I can also eat my weight in sunflower seeds :D
    Jules @ Trying To Get Over The Rainbow

  4. aww... that's sweet. We ca shine on each other a little, too! :o) <3

  5. I love sunflowers, and nice analogy to writers... always reaching to be the tallest, as then we get the most sun...

  6. very cool, i've only ever seen them in people's backyards


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