
Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Pier.Bover via Flickr
 I was out celebrating the Beaujolais Nouveau release and started up a discussion with a friend of mine about auras. (Couple glasses of wine will bring out interesting conversation, you know...)

Over the years, I've noticed many of my closest friends love orange. They have orange rooms, orange candles, orange furniture.  Me? I love blue. All shades, but especially peacock. Do I give off a matching vibe? I don't know, but I do think favorite colors are indicative of personality. I also know I'm not the first one to come up with the idea.  

Auras are important to the concept of the third eye, Kundalini, chakras and Zoroastrianism. Halos behind saints, prophets and kings in Abrahamic religions are an example of the aura in the mainstream.

Guess what? My djinn have auras too. Remember my post on amber orbs?

As I was telling my friend, grey areas are the best place for my writerly mind to dwell.

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  1. I had a picture of my aura taken once. It came back under exposed :)

    Sorry in a funny mood today.
    Jules @ Trying To Get Over The Rainbow

  2. interesting... I'm really into deep purple. The color, not the band. :D happy thanksgiving, hon! So the new beaujolais is out??? woo! :D

  3. I love that colours we are drawn to says something about who we are! I love reds, pinks and purples! But soothing blue too!

    Take care

  4. I like blue and green; interesting post!

  5. You are right! A couple glasses of wine will bring out interesting conversation :) I love green and blue. Any ideas? Forward your respond to Thanks a lot!


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