
Saturday, October 2, 2010

Pitch Perfect

Catalyst effectImage via WikipediaSince I've taken up the NaBloWriMo challenge to blog every day this month,  I though I'd use this space for a short "what I learned this week" post.  Which leads me into what I need to do next week... the pitch paragraph!

I learned about another arc at the Writer's Digest webinar for SF&F with Kristen Nelson:
  1. Plot catalyst had better be in the first 30 pages
  2. Plot catalyst had better not be stereotypical
  3. Plot catalyst is what agents are looking for in your pitch.
Apparently, when you use the right catalyst, the rest is easy (refer to diagram).

Well, I guess I already knew that stuff.  The good news is I get a critique of my pitch, which might be worth more than the advice in the webinar.

In other random lessons:

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