
Sunday, October 3, 2010

The Award Show

In the supportive spirit of blogosphere, it's time to pass on some b'love! I got one from Leigh earlier this week.  She created this awesome award here ---> for Strangely Irrisistable! blogs. The Yo Gabba Gabba award :D Don't you just love the name? (FYI for those of us without little ones -apparently it's a phenomenal TV show for kids ;)) 


Pass it on to at least 3 (three) other deserving bloggers.

So without further ado...

Missed Periods and Other Grammar Scares
Jules @ Trying to get over the Rainbow
Carolyn V. @ Checkerboard Squares
Mia @ Literary Jam And Toast
Madeleine @ Scribble & Edit

I also received the One Lovely Blog Award from Mara.

  • Acknowledge the blogger who gave it to you
  • Pass it on to 15 bloggers you have recently met.
Luck for me, I've been blogfesting lately so I found plenty of gems. Check out my list (in no particular order)...they're all wonderful!

  1. Kirthi @ Dreaming in The Rain
  2. Dominique @ En Violet
  3. Ellen @ Pink Tea and Paper
  4. Claire @ Points of Claire-ification
  5. Sarah Ulbrich Almazan
  6. Meika @ Waiting on the Muse
  7. Wendy @ Waiting for Publication
  8. Crystal @ write because you must
  9. Vicki @ Rambles & Randomness
  10. Nicole @ One Significant Moment at a Time
  11. Laura @ Exercising the Write to Ramble
  12. Kelly Polark
  13. Eliza @ JustTwaddle
  14. A. Grey @ Grey Places
  15. Connie @ A Merry Heart
Happy Blogging All!
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  1. I came by to say CONGRATS! on the awards and well blow me down! Thank you so much for the award. I will add you to my column of Lovely People. Of which you are! :D
    I came by to say CONGRATS!

  2. I agree--that's a fab name for an award... ;p And it's very deserved here! Can't wait to see where all it ends up~ :o) <3

  3. Thanks so much, Carolyn!! Have a great weekend!

  4. Bless you Carolyn. I now have a BIG cheesy smile on my face! :O)

  5. LOL! The title of the award is awesome. I love it! Thanks so, so much Carolyn!

  6. Thank you so much for passing an award on to me!! I'm especially happy that you commented on my blog, because I couldn't find a link to your blog when I clicked your profile pic in my followers mosaic. So glad to find it now and be able to follow!

    Hope your weekend was fantastic, and thanks again for the award!
    :D Nicole

  7. Thank you for the award! Thought I was a follower but apparently I was mistaken...will take care of that right away.

    Thanks again for thinking of me!

  8. hi there, I followed your link from Jules @ Trying to get over the rainbow - she just passed me this award (awesome idea by the way, Yo Gabba Gabba, lol) I am very happy she directed me to you, I am in love with Turkey - the food, the places, the people..even the language is awesome! I am following now!!!


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