
Monday, August 30, 2010

The Turkish Hammam

One of the gilded taps with marble in the bath...Image via Wikipedia The Turkish Bath, known as a Hammam, is not as important as it once was. Modern plumbing negates the need. Today its a social spa experience is reserved for special occassions such as weddings, or in Sybil's case, an end-of-the-semester treat.

Visit the Çemberlitaş or Cağaloğlu hammams in Istanbul to admire the architecture at least. Cağaloğlu is on the list of 1,000 Places to See Before You Die, btw. Usually made of white marble, the hammam is a good place to find Turkish Tiles too. Vaulted ceilings and steamy rooms feature a giant central gobektaşi heated slab of stone for the scrub down and massage treatment. It's not for the faint of heart or the modest, even with the Peştemel towel  wrap they give you.

You can always buy the Turkish loofah Kese for $3.99 and achieve a similar effect at home, but you won't get the amazing massage.  Or you can try a hotel for more privacy. The Ritz Carlton Laveda Spa has some services that make relaxing an understatement.

Finish off with fluffy Turkish Towels and have tea at the hammam's cafe in your robe. Its a wonderful way to spend an afternoon after all the sightseeing (and shopping) you've done in Istanbul!

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  1. ahhh.... I want to escape now! :o) That is gorgeous! love it~

  2. Was thinking Watery Tart might approve of this post. You?

  3. Excellent! I DO! I DO love the Turkish Bath! Now I just need to go to Turkey! Glad you pointed me over--I've been nuts this week and am way behind on reading, but this is my kind of thing!

  4. Wish I could've posted a clip for you, but there aren't so many...and the ones I found were of some guy that should really keep his clothes on, if you know what I mean!

    They have one in NYC. The Russian Turkish Bath, Not the same atmosphere, but the plane ticket is cheaper.


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