
Monday, August 23, 2010

Istanbul Clubs

Courtesy DU99 via Skyscrapercity
I kind of fell off the cart with this post, wrapped up in my post vacation-hangover so it's short.

Speaking of hangovers (of another sort) college and clubs go together. Istanbul is full of popular bar-resturant-dance clubs, which is a very good idea. Some people eat, some people dance, some people hang out at the bar... The concept really makes sense because they get you in the door and you stay all night.

The city has lots of great choices, but in the summer, the superclubs break out along the shoreline. There's a floating club called Suada..."water island" It's anchored in the Bosphorus Strait and features an olympic sized pool. Guess you need to have a boat to get there, or take a sea taxi. Then you have Reina. That place is so famous Dr. Oz brought Oprah Winfrey. (Saturdays are for the younger crowd btw).

Of course, the rest of Turkey has plenty to offer too. Bodrum and Antalya have their fair share of fun. Any good resort town will have someplace to hit the dancefloor and admire the view.

Check out this link for some other Istanbul clubs you might like.
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And I'm having fun with Photosynth.  This is a 3D look at Reina, but I've added some others to previous links like An Ottoman Fortress and Secret Cisterns.


  1. a floating club? (!) Sounds dangerous... patron overboard! ;p No, hope you had a great vacay~

  2. Exactly! Liability with a capital L. Bar, pool and surrounded by water on all sides? And don't forget cargo ships passing through the strait like a gauntlet. Sounds like a good idea to me ;) The place is open in the day too for pool goers, maybe that would be a safer time to visit.


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