
Friday, August 20, 2010

Angora Cats

An odd-eyed Turkish AngoraImage via Wikipedia
I'm a cat lady, so Sybil is too. Buyuk Ada is overrun with cats, and the Nokta in Burnt Amber is a real kitty I knew when I was there.  Growing up I had a gorgeous white cat with gold eyes so he was my inspiration for another one in the story.

Angora is a degeneration of the word Ankara, the capitol of Turkey. The Angora breed originated there and therefore, is not so hard to find in Cicilia.
Technically, Angoras just need to have the long coat, any color.  For me and other purists though, they should really be white and odd-eyed is even blue and one amber.  Be careful when adopting one.  Blue eyed white cats can be deaf, and odd-eyed ones can be too, often on the side with the blue eye. Even so, two different colored eyes makes the animal desirable, striking, even mystical or djinnlike...

Odd-eyedness (not a word), known as heterochromia, is not only found in cats.  Horses are piebald, dogs can have it, even people might.  Sybil and Haydon have "central heterochromia " which creates a corona effect in the pupil. Kristin Cashore wrote a whole book about an odd-eyed Graceling.  I read it after I'd written Burnt Amber, btw.  Great minds think alike?

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  1. oooo! I love your pretty kitty!

    You forgot the most famous odd-eyed of them all: David Bowie! ;p

    great post~

  2. Couldn't forget about him! He's in the link "people"...

  3. Oh, pretty kitty. There is a dog in the neighborhood with a ice blue eye and a brownish eye. He looks a little crazy.

  4. That is a beautiful cat! I agree that the "odd-eyedness" (I think I like your made-up word better than the real one) creates a mystical look. And I had no idea about the etymology behind angora. Fascinating!


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