
Monday, April 1, 2013

Istanbul's Olympic Bid

The International Olympic Committee is in the Turkish news right now:

Istanbul; 27 March 2013: The IOC Evaluation Commission concluded its inspection of Istanbul today with a final press conference to over 200 international and Turkish media and declared that they had an "excellent impression" of the Istanbul 2020 bid.

In a press conference at the Four Seasons Bosphorus Hotel, Chairman of the IOC Evaluation Commission, Sir Craig Reedie, said:

"The IOC 2020 Evaluation Commission has been very pleased to spend time here in the extraordinary city of Istanbul. We have an excellent impression of the Bid Committee, and we have witnessed the strong support that the bid enjoys from the government, which was highlighted by the presence of President Gül this week. It has been a great pleasure to meet with so many Olympians, Paralympians, athletes and the Bid Committee - we have seen the enthusiasm for the Olympic Games that exists here in Istanbul."

source: Istanbul 2020 press release

I may be biased, but just clicking around the Istanbul2020 website, I can tell you there's an amazing construction plan for top notch venues and services. All that plus amazing historic sites?
You might want to book your plane tickets now.

Here's the promotional video for Istanbul.


  1. Having experienced London 2012 Olympics - I truly wish all cities of this world should go for it! It was a most amazing time and so optimistic and happy - I LOVED IT!!!

    Good luck Istanbul!! Take care

  2. I've been fascinated with Istanbul ever since I was a child and read stories about Constantinople, the Hagia Sophia, etc. And reading The Historian whetted my appetite even more.

    Good luck to Istanbul. I hope they get the Olympics!

  3. Hah, just wrote you a note about how beautiful the plantings are for this. But the city is also sparkling clean and just lovely. I hope,they get,it! Hugs from Istanbul!


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