
Monday, September 10, 2012

Author Leigh T Moore ~ CP Extraordinaire

Lots of bloggers know Leigh T Moore , but I'm sure many don't. She's a great asset to the writer's blogging community. Her comments sparkle like spots of supportive sunshine, AND she's an excellent professional editor. (Shoot her an email, leightmoore (at) gmail (dot) com.) 

I consider myself very lucky because Leigh was my first ever CP, and she's the best kind - the kind who cheers you along when you get an R from that dream agent who requested your manuscript. Yep. She's got my back.

So Leigh is great. And I want to *throw confetti* around to celebrate her latest endeavors, her new YA contemporary:


Jason just wants a date with Harley.
Harley just wants a date with Trent.
Trent's still getting over Stephanie.

When Harley and Jason decide to fake date, they uncover a school of deceptions. Trent's got a secret, but so does Jason. And the more time Harley spends secretly kissing her fake boyfriend, the further she gets from her dreams with Trent.

Worst of all, Harley's mom is getting cozy with her hot massage therapy student, and even Harley's Reverend Dad can't fake not being bothered by it. But when the masks finally come off, can everyone handle the real truth?

Also, later this fall, Leigh has an adult novel coming out through publisher Pocket Star:


Trapped in the underground theater world of 1890s New Orleans, Hale Ferrer has only one goal: escape. But not without Teeny, the orphan-girl she rescued from the streets and has since raised as her own.

Freddie Lovel, Hale's wealthy Parisian suitor, seems to be the easy solution. If only his touch could arouse her interest like Beau's, the penniless stagehand who captures her heart.

Denying her fears, Hale is poised to choose love until an evil lurking in their cabaret-home launches a chain of events that could cost Hale everything.


  1. YAY for LTM! How fantastic! Can't wait to check these out. :0)

  2. LTM is utterly lovely and yay for her equally lovely books!!! Take care

  3. Hey, I didn't know Rogue had a stagehand in it. WTH LTM?

  4. oh, YOU!!! You sneaky thing! THANK YOU!!! for the shout out! YOU'RE the best CP, too! ((hugs)) I'm so glad we found each other~

    *sniff* :o) <3 <3

    silly Matt. ;p

  5. And thank you to KO and OK--LOL! I just noticed that! :D

    No, seriously, thanks so much, guys! If it weren't for this supportive community we have here, I don't know how long I'd have lasted! <3

  6. Ooooohhhh, it sounds so good! Yay LTM!

  7. Those are great blurbs. I love the chain laid out in the first--just perfect for conflict!


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