
Monday, August 27, 2012

Route 27

Route 27
This is my route back to a regular writing schedule, because the 27th is the first day of school for the boys. (Cheesy, I know, but I liked the graphic.)

That means:

Freedom!!! I love my kids, but it's really time for them to go get an education.

It also means I will have hours and hours to revise, rework, and reinvent the worlds I'm spinning on both my manuscripts. Who knows what all this unfettered quiet time will lead to?

Here's what I'll be working on in MoK:

Deeper secondary characters - They are the "salt in the stew" - according to my crit group member, Brad Davidson.

World building expansions of summarized scenes- My first beta reader suggested a longer chase scene for chapter three, among other things.

A tighter, more comprehensive ending, so the ms can truly stand alone- WriteOnCon agents suggested they are tired of trilogies. I was only planning one "companion" book anyhow.

A more interesting hook for the beginning- Always the LAST thing to get done, isn't it?

For BA:

Reworking Haydon- Back to what I really want him to be - a cute/slightly nerdy biotech geek.

Toning down the fantasy- I got a revise and resubmit request in April, the dreaded "slow no". She  passed because the fantasy wasn't slow enough. Yet, I had a full request on the previous version and that agent passed because it was too slow. I need to find the middle ground.

Scheduled completion for all of this?

Your guess is as good as mine!


  1. That's a great and specific to-do list! I had to scratch my head over the agent who complained the fantasy wasn't "slow enough." I don't think I have EVER heard that complaint. Pacing is usually a major quibble with both agents and editors! Good luck with this, Carolyn, and happy almost-fall!

  2. Good luck with that. I've just started a new writing schedule today too! :) Fingers crossed I stick to it.

  3. Two simultaneously!! Wow!! Good luck and all the best!! Take care

  4. Hey! I'm starting my new writing schedule too. Although I miss my kids when they go to school, it's nice to have the extra time! ;)

  5. Don'tcha love it when school starts again? I mean, I lurv my ladies, but it's good for them to be productively occupied... so I can be too! :D

    This sounds like a great plan you've got going! And Haydon as nerdy biotech geek! Hmmm.... me likey! :D <3


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