
Monday, July 9, 2012

Chelonia Mydas: Mersin's Green Sea Turtle

Chelonia Mydas via EVS Mersin
It's sea turtle nesting season!

My sister-in-law was enjoying the beach near  Mersin last week and she uploaded some nice photos (below). She even posted a link to the Mersin sea turtle protection organization, EVS Mersin, a volunteer-run part of the youth Third Eye Association of the Mediterranean (TEAM). (Thanks, Pascale!)

Kids come from all over Europe to help. Maybe another good excuse to send my boys over there AND get something for the ole college application? (Double Bonus!) Maybe next summer.

Meanwhile, I've posted about the Caretta Caretta of Dalyan, so it would be logical to think those are the ones I wrote into the BURNT AMBER scene at Kizkalesi.

Ha! They were, but the EVS Mersin site drew my attention to another species that makes it's home in the eastern Mediterranean - Chelonia Mydas, the green sea turtle. And now I'm not sure which kind I saw when I was there. Next time I'll have to stop a turtle and ask. (Or find an EVS Mersin volunteer!)

Sea Turtle Nest - Please, Let's Protect Them
Flipper tracks...

leading back to the sea. :)


  1. That's so cool--I love that picture of flipper tracks in the sand.

  2. What a beautiful creature. I'd love to see one up close someday. I saw sea turtles in Hawaii once while snorkeling but they were pretty far away.

  3. Hi! Thanks for visiting my blog and for signing on as a follower. 'Twas my pleasure to return the favor. Sea turtles are such amazing creatures. How wonderful it'd be to live close enough to their nesting areas to get involved with efforts to protect them. (And to see, in person, the little hatchlings scurrying for the water.)

  4. Turtles! They had the Bay Watch turtle groups in so-Ala where I used to live, and they would video when the little guys hatched and ran to the ocean. Always fun times. And a great post! :o) <3


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