
Monday, April 23, 2012

World Book Night

Who is helping to give out half a million free books all across America on one day?  
I am.
WHO: From Kodiak, Alaska, to Key West, Florida, in 6,000 towns and cities across America, 25,000 volunteers will give away half a million free books on one day: April 23, 2012.
WHAT: World Book Night U.S. is an ambitious campaign to personally give out thousands of free, specially printed books across America. Volunteer book lovers like myself will help promote reading by going into our communities and handing out free copies of a book we love to new or light readers, reaching them especially in underserved places – and even some fun spots. Volunteers will be picking up the books at a local bookstore or library in order to go out and share them in locations as diverse as VA hospitals, nursing homes, ballparks, mass transit, diners, and more.
I am very proud to be a part of the first World Book Night in the U.S., following the impressive launch of this campaign in the UK and Ireland last year.
My 20 copies of ENDER'S GAME by Orson Scott Card are going to some deserving teens in North and South Carolina.
For more information about World Book Night, please go to


  1. Enjoy it! Well done you!!! There was a bigger list last year - and that was fun to do! Take care


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