
Monday, December 19, 2011

Hande Yener

Thought I'd share some music today. (Read: Quick post because I still have shopping, wrapping, decorating to do.)

This is Hande Yener, one of Turkey's top female pop artists. Like Madonna and Lady Gaga, she likes to change up her look often and shares a similar energy on stage. Jet black, blonde, raucous red, pink, orange...I don't think there's a hair color she hasn't tried. She's back to natural brown at the moment.

These are a few that were huge hits for her. I had a hard time choosing my favs, but these show her versatility the best.

Romeo: This song has solid, staying power. I shuffle back to it every once in a while.

Bana Anlat, 2011: This is her latest single, and most days it's playing in my car.

Hipnoz: She tried her hand at electropop with this album. She didn't do it again.


  1. Blimey! LOL!!

    Well she certainly woke me up!!

    Happy Monday! Take care

  2. Wow, she has some great outfits.So interesting to hear. Thanks for posting Carolyn. =)

  3. Fun stuff! I love hearing world music! She does remind me of Gaga or Madonna, but w/that turkish flavor! Very cool~ :o)


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