
Monday, November 28, 2011

Kelebek Vadisi - Butterfly Valley

I'm attempting to be a WriMo still, but I thought you could use an escape, even if I'm tied to a chair.

A friend of mine was blogging about her trip to Butterfly Valley recently, and I was inspired to use in in my WIP as a setting for some challenging climbs and general boyish, adrenaline fueled adventures. (I'm writing an MG boy book.)

Daytrippers arrive by boat from Fethiye to trek the narrow valley, visit the waterfalls, and hopefully see some Euplagia quadripunctaria - leopard butterflies. Many types of butterflies flock there to enjoy the abundance of wildflowers, and naturalists stalk the winged creatures at all hours.
Brave paragliders inspired by all those wings float down to the beach pretty regularly. You can hop off the top of these cliffs too, for a reasonable fee, and with a qualified guide. You won't catch me doing it, I'm afraid. The only flying I do is in an airplane.

I do take inspiration from the waterfalls and the trails, though. There's no escape from the valley (insert sinister laugh) except up a verrrry steep path to a small village. Funny how I can take such a beautiful place and twist it around to suit my needs.
image via
Turkey issued a postage stamp for it's favorite flying friend. It's a collectible now, if you have one.

Here's a decent video clip for you:


  1. This is awesome--I love hearing about places like this, and I love that you're using it in your WIP! Good luck finishing NaNo!

  2. Oh it's a pretty name for such stunning vista!! How lovely and so good if you like heights!! Yay!! I can totally see how you won't be able to escape from there if you don't like heights!

    Yay for the butterflies!
    Take care

  3. wait... so you can go DOWN there, but you can't get out? (Except by the very steep path?) Still, it's so pretty. I'm like you, though. I'd probably have to do something else. :D Good luck finishing NaNo!!! Hope it's picking up again! <3

  4. I've always wanted to visit this valley. Someday... After I see the Surmeli monastery!
    (Word verification: gasms

  5. so pretty *closes eyes and imagines she's there*

  6. So gorgeous-- I love it! I have to check it out some day.

  7. Oh, what a gorgeous place! I'd totally paraglide in there if there was a guide to show me what to do. I've parasailed in Mexico and it was FABULOUS. Boys rock climbing, though, sounds like a great adventure.

  8. Wow that is a beautiful place. This world had such amazing places.


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