
Monday, November 21, 2011

The Kangal Dog

Taner (my mc in Mist of Kavala) needed a dog. He needed a loyal, patient, protective dog. He needed a big dog with expressive eyes. A dog he was really, really, really sad to leave behind.

I can't have a dog (allergies), but I've always admired the Kangal.

This Turkish breed hails from Kangal, near Sivas, way out in Anatolia. It's a type of mastiff,  a working class shephard dog, sometimes known as the çoban köpek. (There are other breeds that fall under this name too).

A pair of Kangals stays with a flock of sheep and almost blends in, except for the curled up tails. Wolves, wildcats and bears are no match for it. Owners outfit the dog with a formidable spiked collar and at 30 miles per hour, it's been trained in some countries to guard against cheetahs.

Puppies are so cute with their dark muzzles and ears, but at a height of 30 inches high (at the shoulder) and about 130 lb, this is a dog that requires an enormous backyard. If I had a farm, I'd want one, otherwise it would be cruel punishment for the dog to stay cooped up on my minuscule acreage.

Kangal dogs are the national breed of Turkey.


  1. Sounds like an excellent companion! I had a 130lb dog (a Doberman) for many years--you're right, space and A LOT of exercise are needed to make a pooch like that happy.

  2. Wow. That is one formidable powerhouse of a doggie!! Love the curled up tails too!

    Take care

  3. He's wonderful! I love their curly tails. And I like big dogs--the yard thing is big... the biggest dog we've had was a dalmatian mix and though we loved him dearly, we decided we should stick to medium or small dogs after that. This one looks like a great choice for your MC though!

  4. For me personally purebred dogs are not as open to the spirit of comradry toward humans as the mutt is capable of. I have had several dogs which I consider of the jin capacity, both were mutts. But that does not mean it is not possible for others. Maybe cause I am a mutt too.-german-gypsy-dane.

  5. I think the picture is an Anatolian shepherd, not a Kangal...
    They use the same picture for the Anatolian in my dog breed book.

    1. Definitely a Kangal, coloring and pattern of the coat are perfect, white stops exactly at the elbows of the front legs, white chest, muzzle and ears jet black. This is the only color pure bread Kangals come in, they are also larger and stockier. Anatolians can come in many colors and patterns


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