
Friday, October 14, 2011

Pay it Forward & The Night Circus Giveaway

Welcome! Hoş geldiniz! Bienvenue! Witamy! etc...

Just to give you an idea of what you're signing up to read: I usually blog about Turkey (the country): food, music, traditions, artifacts, flora and fauna, historic sites, whatever strikes my fancy. Often I'll throw in a post about djinn (since that's my mythical creature of choice), parallel worlds or some other sci-fi-ish thing, and sometimes I'll toss in a good writer's resource.

You're here for my recommendations. So. First, make sure you visit my bestest crit partner -  

Leigh T. Moore at That's Write.
Writer/Journalist/Freelance Editor. She's already on your linky list. LTM is repped by Kate McKean at the Howard Morhaim Agency

Three other blogs I read all the time, but aren't on the list today:

Sarah Fine at The Strangest Situation
Fabulous, informative blog by a practicing child psychologist/YA writer. She's represented by Kathleen Ortiz of Nancy Coffey Literary.

Katherine Owens at KO: The Insect Collector
College professor and former expat. Loves insects, steampunk, all sorts of interesting stuff. Be sure to congratulate her. She's now represented by Amanda Lewis of The Doe Coover Agency.

Holly Ruggiero at My POV
Holly just changed her blog url, but follow her wherever she goes. I love her series posts on gems and colors. She also writes cookbooks.

image via
Just for fun, I'm giving away a copy of The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern

The circus arrives without warning. No announcements precede it. It is simply there, when yesterday it was not. Within the black-and-white striped canvas tents is an utterly unique experience full of breathtaking amazements. It is called Le Cirque des Rêves, and it is only open at night.

But behind the scenes, a fierce competition is underway—a duel between two young magicians, Celia and Marco, who have been trained since childhood expressly for this purpose by their mercurial instructors. Unbeknownst to them, this is a game in which only one can be left standing, and the circus is but the stage for a remarkable battle of imagination and will. Despite themselves, however, Celia and Marco tumble headfirst into love—a deep, magical love that makes the lights flicker and the room grow warm whenever they so much as brush hands.

True love or not, the game must play out, and the fates of everyone involved, from the cast of extraordinary circus per­formers to the patrons, hang in the balance, suspended as precariously as the daring acrobats overhead.

Written in rich, seductive prose, this spell-casting novel is a feast for the senses and the heart.


This book is being hyped up everywhere: the web, magazines, TV, you name it. The author already has a movie deal with Summit. It's not YA, but I think lots of teens are going to be reading this one. Per CNN: 'The Night Circus' looks to enchant fans of 'Twilight' and 'Harry Potter'. I'm not so sure. I thought it was more Inception meets the circus, in the late 1800s. Or maybe The Science of Sleep at the circus.

Easy peasy giveaway rules:

Leave a comment with an email address.


  1. Enjoy your bloghopping!!

    Yay for "inception meets the circus!" Now that's a great blurb!

    Take care

  2. I've heard this book mentioned a couple times! Anything with great prose and a unique premise sounds good to me!

    laurapauling at yahoo dot com

  3. Already following all these! And I must say, I heartily approve! lolol

  4. You listed some of the best blogs! Thanks for playing, Carolyn.

  5. Aww!!! I got a shout out! And yep, I like Sarah, too. And Holly... somehow I've missed Katherine! I'll have to check her out at once. Although I don't really like insects. :p


  6. Ooo. I'd love to enter the contest for The Night Circus--I've heard so many good things about it.

    My email is c.marie.keller (at)

  7. I would really like this book!

    - tim

    timothyandrewmartinez (at)

  8. You are so sweet to mention by blog! Thanks so much.
    The night circus sounds really cool (insectwriter(at)

    Have a great weekend!

  9. Ooh, what a good idea to talk a bit about yourself. And how nice of you to have a giveaway! Off to check out the blogs you mentioned (the only one I recognise is KO).
    denizb33 at gmail dot com

  10. Thanks for the new blog recommendations! I follow LTM, but will check out the others!

  11. Ooo...great new blogs to follow.

    I'd like to be entered in the giveaway. cherie.reich @

  12. I think I know Leigh and I know I follow Holly, but the others are new! Thanks for participating in our blogfest.

  13. I follow all the blogs you listed!

    And I love all the versions of Welcome you put at the top of your post.

  14. Stopping by from Leigh's and the blogfest. Looking forward to reading & learning more about Turkey. Happy blog hopping!

  15. Great, great blog choices!

    I'm dying to read this book. Sign me up. :)

    Lydiakang (at) yahoo (dot) com.

  16. Some great blogs it sounds like, I'll have a look as I blog hop about.

  17. I'm still Paying It Forwrard--Yay for hearing about Turkey!

  18. i missed the pay it forward hop, so stopping by fashionably late! nice to meet u :)

  19. Thanks for the shout out. I did try to properly thank you Friday (Saturday too) but you already know my dilemma.


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