
Wednesday, August 17, 2011


image via Wikipedia
Ever felt like you were out of ink and inspiration? That was me these past few days. Until yesterday.
I went to writeoncon's annual online conference.

That's where I am today, and you should be there too. Have you seen the list of impressive people slated to be there? I'll catch you up.

Holly Root was talking Myths and Misconceptions with some editors. Suzie Townsend, Sara Megibow, and Jessica Shinsheimer were there for LIVE Q&A sessions. Steven Malk opened a thread for questions, and a bunch of others amazing agents are still waiting in the wings. Plus there are Ninja Agents lurking in the forums.

And the authors? Talk about inspiration! Make sure you stop in to see Beth Revis' vlog. I literally had to grab a tissue. I picked up some great info on Magical Realism from Nova Ren Suma and Compelling Settings from Jessi Kirby. I tell you, it's a who's who of YA lit in there. AND there are amazing prizes. Critiques, ARCs, signed copies, etc.

Yesterday I only missed two or three sessions and I'm preparing to glue myself to the screen today.

Did I mention all this awesome is free? Well, a donation would be nice.


  1. Sigh. This is taking place during my incredibly busy work week. I'm going to try to catch some of it, but argh. I keep hearing how fantastic all of it is! Have a great, enlightening day!

  2. Enjoy your conference!!! It sounds so amazing!! Yay for you! Unfortunately I'm sneaking a blog comment here and there at work so am unable to be part of this. But Shannon has been so lovely last year - she posted lots of useful stuff from the con on her blog which was brilliant of her to do!!

    Take care

  3. I'm enjoying it too. Beth Revis wrote a 3-part series about her path to publication. It made me cry too. But seeing her speaking about it, all the sincerity on her expression and in her voice, moved me as well.

  4. My job really screwed me on this one. I was heavily involved last year, but barely had time for this one.


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