
Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Guess it's a good time to look back at what I've achieved. As of yesterday, these are the stats:

224 posts with
31,119 page views and
1,585 comments from
111 countries

Is this good? Heck if I know. What I do know is that a surprising number of Romanians hit my site, which I never expected.
Anyhoo, my new laptop is supposed to arrive today (YAY!), Harry Potter comes out tomorrow night (DOUBLE YAY!), and Japan has computer generated popstars (?). What? It's summer and I'm trying to catch up on my George RR Martin. Ran out of bloggy thoughts, etc. See what happens when I go unplugged for any length of time? I can't stay focused. Or it could be that my struggle with painfully slow internet connections has fried my brain. Hope I can be more enlightening next week.


  1. Happy Blogiversary!! And--glad to hear your new laptop will be arriving today!

  2. Congratulations! Happy Blogiversary!

  3. I'd love to see this computer generated popstar in concert. Live! LOL!!

    Awww happy blogiversary!!!!!!!!!!!!! Take care

  4. Happy Blogoversary, Carolyn. Its been nice meeting you and getting to know you.

  5. Happy Blogiversary!!! I think you're doing great! I love to look at my stats now and again (though I haven't ever looked at total comments... now I'm curious) but my favorite piece is that international thing... I love the diversity, and I get an exceptional number of visits from some places I'd never expect.

  6. Happy Blogiversary!

    - those stats sound great,actually.

    For comparison, I've been blogging just over a year, and I've had:
    270 posts
    12,448 page views
    {I don't know where to find total countries}

    So, clearly you're kicking butt with the views!

    I have no idea of how that compares, though- your #s are the only perspective I've ever had on it.

  7. Congratulations on your blogversary! The stats look good to me, but I haven't done any comparative analysis or anything so I don't know what I'm talking about. hehe

  8. Thanks, everyone! I hope to be up and running back to normal on Monday.


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