
Friday, May 6, 2011

See you at the mall...

Kanyon Mall Istanbul 1Image by tom$ via FlickrMalls are a distinctly American thing. For example, a visit to the cities of old world Europe will have me trotting down cobbled pavement, hunting shop to shop for treasures. Here, I can head to the Southpark Mall and call it a day. I find there are pros and cons of both methods, depending upon my mood.

Today though, lots and lots of cities all over the globe are building signature, upscale malls. I thought I'd share a few Turkish ones that are a must-see - whenever you get to town. :)

Istanbul's Kanyon Mall (at right) is home to high-end shops like Escada, but worth the visit for it's stunning, international award winning architecture. You can also catch a movie at the cineplex there.

Image by tom$ via Flickr
Istinye Park is another chic Istanbul hot spot offering western brands to eastern consumers. This summer, Hermes and Channel are joining the ranks there. Mere mortals might stick to H&M or my favorite, Mavi Jeans. (Go get a pair. Right now! From Amazon.) Istinye Park also has an Imax theater.

While these are all a far cry from the original super mall, the Grand Bazaar, I feel proud of how far fellow Americans have taken the idea. Both of these malls were designed for modern Istanbulites by US firms.

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  1. As a rule, I hate malls. But the architecture on that one is lovely!

  2. The Kanyon Mall website is crazy!! LOL!!! I felt most intimidated by it! LOL!!! Talk about palacial!


    Take care

  3. I agree with Sarah--I hate malls, but some have great architecture.

  4. And US firms build these over seas because some of the Architecture cannot be built here. Their materials are far superior to ours. :)
    Jules @ Trying To Get Over The Rainbow

  5. True, I don't really like malls, but they feel different somehow in Europe [g]
    There's also Akmerkez! Not a shining example or anything, but near my grandmother's house...

  6. None of the malls I've ever been to look anything like that. Then again, I avoid them like the plague. Not much of a shopper.


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