
Friday, April 8, 2011

Chimaera Flames of Olympos

Close-up view of the eternally 'flaming stones...Image via WikipediaHeading down the coast, toward Antalya, there's another Cilician Pirate hangout, Olimpos. Just by the name, you can probably guess that there's more to see than just pirates. There's an ancient city, breathtaking beaches, Mount Olimpos and it's coastal national park, cool treehouse hotels, and then there's the real reason people visit: Yanartaş, or burning stone.

The famous flames are the same ones from antiquity (Homer). In the Hellenistic era, they were thought to be the evidence of Chimaera, the dragon-like son of Typhon. But the flames are interesting to me because, as you know, fire is important to my djinn.

Eternal flames are also a nice tie-in to Zoroastrianism and Mithras, and I bet the pirates thought so too. I tell you, more and more links keep popping up between my pirate friends and the djinn. However, the name for my character is still eluding me.... maybe a play on the word Chimaera is in order...

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  1. I've always loved the word "chimera" Character names are so tricky. What are you using now as a placeholder?

  2. Treehouse hotels?!?!?!?! Seriously?! Wow. And what are these burning stones?!!? Double wow!!!!!

    As I'm sneaking this comment at work - I can't watch the clip but will do when I get home!!

    Take care

  3. Real life natural eternal flame? Very cool.

  4. love it, and now you have me singing the Bangles... :D I like the word chimera, too. I think that would be a cool start for a name~ :o) <3

  5. It's really great that there are great places and activities to experience at Olympos.


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