
Friday, April 29, 2011

Alahan Monastery

via recepmemik @
While Alahan Monastery is too old for me to use in my circa 11th century inspired MS, it is worth taking note of the beautiful architecture. The 5th century building was made by Isaurian stonemasons and is a key structure of early Byzantine architecture.

Technically, I should use the monastery of Trazarg, except I haven't found a trace of it anywhere. Anyone know anything about Trazarg? When I Google it, a bunch of images from my own site pop up. Hmm...

Alahan Monastery is in Mersin's backyard and worth the day trip. Sigh. This is where I shoot the tour guide (Sorry honey, I'm still mad at you.) for skipping it. Did you notice the list of things I did not see in my own neighborhood is getting longer the more I research? Probably not good for my marriage. Again: Hmm..

Anyway, lovely arches don't you agree? Wait till you see the view from the outside. Who cares if you have to walk (an hour?) from Alahan to get there. It's amazing and how many views are there like this? OK - DH objects. There are lots of places in Turkey with an amazing view -that you can drive to- but I wanted to see this one. :(

It's even a UNESCO World Heritage,Tentative Site. See? I'm not the only one who wants to head off the beaten path to find cool stuff. Who's coming with me?

And....last week in my rush to go on vacation, I totally forgot to post the contest results for Tracy Marchini's new e-book: PUB SPEAK: A WRITER’S DICTIONARY OF PUBLISHING TERMS. So without further ado, the winner is......


I loved the all answers about what to do with the exquisite corpse, morticians and ebay auctions alike, but here's the official answer from Tracy's book:

exquisite corpse – A technique for creating art where several collaborators create a piece, but can only see so much of the previous contributor‟s work. For example, one author writes a chapter and gives it to the next. The second author writes a chapter and gives only the second chapter to the third author, who gives only the third chapter to the fourth author, etc.

Now, iff you've got a few minutes, check out this clip of Alahan.

Alahan Monastry Mut-Mersin-Türkiye from umut cor on Vimeo.
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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

A Grandmother's Djinn Tale

Gezende Gorge
So wishing I was still at Hogwarts. If you haven't been yet, you should go...

I'd like to say thanks for all your help last week with the parallel world/dimension dilemma. I was always leaning toward a "shadow world", but I just had that moment of self-doubt. You know - the one that knaws at you for a week until you work it out. Maybe I should re-definine "moment" in the context of self-doubt? ;)

Alesa mentioned Barzakh, so I thought I'd toss that idea around and compare the eschatology (death sequence) of the east and the west. They are actually very similar. Only the names have been changed to protect the innocent.

1) You die and your soul separates from your body.
2) You examine your life. Probably some atonement here, or what is the point of examination. Yes?
3) Your soul enters a sleep state that lasts until the judgement day.

I suppose Barzakh is another word for Purgatory. Since this is a sort of soulful hang-out spot for the ages, the idea that djinn might exist in Barzakh makes some kind of sense, if you believe them to be purely spirit. Jonathan Stroud uses something like Barzakh for his djinn dimension. (I say dimension because it's not a fully developed world. TY Holly Ruggiero. :) ) From what lore I've heard though, the djinn don't exist in a half-state of being at all - and that is the root of my djinn world.

I'll just tell you a short story I heard:

In the middle of the night (of course) a strange woman comes banging at the village midwife's door, asking for help. The midwife rouses her daughter to let her know she'll be gone for a while and the obliges the waiting woman. They follow a path up into the hillside, going through ever more treacherous and narrow passageways of the rocky gorge (imagine the one in the picture - sans the kayak), until they reach a yurt where a woman is in labor. After a long night of wailing and misery, the child is born and the midwife is compensated for her excellent work with a bag of gold. Then she's led back to her home. In the morning, the midwife wakes and when she opens the bag of gold, she discovers onions instead.

This story was told to me by the daughter, who was herself a grandmother when she told it. She believed every word she said, or at least she convinced me that she did. She also told me that the djinn use your things when you're not. For example, (her example, actually) if you wash and fold your sheets and they're soiled when you open them up the next time, a djinn has used them in your stead.

So I came away with the idea that, in eastern lore, djinn are not just floating around in their own dimension. They are in fact sharing ours. Sometimes even drawing us into theirs. Also, whenever we interact with the djinn, there are glamours involved so that what we see isn't what we think. I'm not sure if it's done intentionally as a trick, if djinn sensibility is skewed based on their reality, or if we just can't bring gold from their world back into ours. The grandmother seemed to think it was a trick, even though she didn't blame the dinn. It's just the way they are.

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Monday, April 25, 2011

Contemporary. Turkish. Art.

I'm just getting back from spring break and tons of work is piled up for me here, so for a quick post I'd like to direct you to the recent Sotheby's Auction of Comporary Turkish Art in London.

Burhan Dogançay (at right) really brought home the prize. The hammer price for his work, Whispering Wall II was over 277,000 GBP.

Related Articles:

Turkish Master Artist Volkan Diyaroglu at Sotheby's - (

Turkish Paintings Fetch High Prices at Sotheby's Auction (
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Friday, April 22, 2011

Cappadocia Cave Hotels

The Turkish cave hotel is my hands-down favorite boutique hotel experience. Ever. Look at the photo on the right...each room was originally a single family home in the cave house village. Now it's a furnished luxury retreat overlooking the moonscape of Cappadocia.

Yunak Evleri was even listed in The 1000 Places to See Before You Die, featured several times in Conde Nast, and countless other international magazines and newspapers.

There are other less expensive cave hotels in the towns all over Cappadocia and I recommend trying one of them instead of the giant tourist hotels on the outskirts.

Activites of the area are amazing - from the Goreme Valley Open Air Museum with UNESCO heritage site monasteries and frescoed chapels - to the hot air balloon rides, underground cities, wineries and carpet shops.

I had an entire chapter set in Goreme that got nixed from Burnt Amber, but I'm holding out for an opportunity to use the setting in another outline. It really is so bleeping inspiring.

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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Parallel World or Dimension?

Level II Multiverse, Every disk is a bubble un...Image via Wikipedia

My djinn world uses the same physical world we live in, on a different plane. Maybe I can explain it better with this example:  The djinn world shadows ours, and in someplaces it overlaps. They don't see us and we don't see them, except in the overlap.

Isn't a parallel world something separate entirely? With a copy of everything, including the people?

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The other day I was editing and I hit a roadblock. (Sci-fi and Fantasy writers: Help me out here!) I keep writing about a parallel world, but do I really mean dimension?

Monday, April 18, 2011

Sesame Simit

Growing up I knew three things about sesame : Sesame Street, Open Sesame, and a rhyme about a sesame seed bun. What else did I need to know? Right?


Yeah...tahini is made from ground up sesames. It's very important to middle eastern cuisine. You can't make yummy halva (confection) or hummus (chick pea spread) without it. I dare you to eat a falafel sandwich without tahini sauce. (Lemon juice, salt, garlic, tahini = yum!) Actually, I put that sh...

Sorry, wrong commercial. :)

As I was saying, sesame is an ingredient in tons of things that I love. My two Turkish favorites are Tahin Pekmez (Turkish spread, sort of like peanut butter) and Simit (pic above). Simit and çay are standard fare for every Turk, from all walks of life.

What variety of sesame do you crave? And what does this have to do with writing?

Well, I was thinking about my first post. There are so many ways I could have gone with this blog, with my manuscript, and they all would have been fun. There was one message that I kept coming back to: Tales of Turkiye, from my American-bride perspective. And it all started from one small seed.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Tree House Hotels of Olympos

The past couple of days got hijacked by industry related posts, but today we go back to our regularly scheduled programming. :)

In Turkey, boutique hotels, inns and small establishments like the pansiyon are a popular choice for travellers. I prefer them over large, impersonal hotels because you get much better immersion in local culture. The majority are independently owned, so standard of service varies.

I've found a great resource on chosing a good, affordable option is The Little Hotel Book by Nisanyan. The writers are small hotel owners, and they actually stay in each hotel at some point, so you know the ratings are honest. If nothing else, this bible of Turkish small hotels is an amazing armchair retreat. I've spent many hours daydreaming about my perfect itinerary with it. Online, there are many sites with ratings and recommendations, such as

We've been following the Cilician Pirate thread to Olympos and I thought we'd explore the tree house hotels there. Next week, we'll try cave hotels of Capadoccia and then maybe an amazing place in Datça I've wanted to visit....we'll see where it goes from there.

While a tree house is not the choice for someone who likes plush slippers and towel origami, it has a certain Swiss Family Robinson appeal. Tree house hotels could be part of a really cool family trip, or a nice romantic getaway. (Follower Tracy Darchini says she spent part of her honeymoon in a treehouse hotel and loved it. She also says you can catch a free ride to the chimaera flames with some hotels.) If you're trekking, the Olympos tree house hotels are legendary. Many hikers enjoying the Olympos National Park stay here because it is ridiculously affordable - like 11 Euros ridiculous - and breakfast is often included.

Note: Make sure you book what you expect, especially if you want a room with air conditioning. Also, some of the treehouse hotels are a known for their "no curfew" approach to life, which is awesome, IF you don't need a full night of sleep. But if you're a pirate (from the manuscript in my head), this is a deal you can't refuse!

Related articles
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Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The Social Media Monster

via wikipedia
Social media can make (see Amanda Hocking ) or break your career, or it can leave you in the dust wondering why everything is passsing you by (Homework: Nathan Bransford's article about Chances). As an aspiring author, I realize the social media beast must be tamed, but finding the right way to go about that task is...daunting.

Serendipitously, my WNBA group (books, not basketball) recently devoted an entire evening to social media, with some great PR panelists to guide us along the path to enlightenment. I picked up some great clues to grow my sphere of influence.

Key notes on blog content: 

Expert knowledge- Choose topics you really like. I can write all day about Turkey!
Engage your audience- Be approachable. Cater the voice to your audience.
Entertain with interesting material- Share great content your audience. The internet is a great place to mine!

Next step:

Tag your blog posts and create a path for readers to follow on your site. For example, say I write about Cilician Pirates... there should be several posts with that tag. Seed posts with teasers about upcoming topics. *ahem* Link back to posts you've already written. (I get the concept. I try.)

Take it farther:

Feed your blog into Facebook, Twitter, and any other social media account you have.
Arm yourself with widgets like Link Within.
Follow bloggers with similar posts and don't forget to comment.
Tweet related info or interesting bits about your topic. (This is where I fall off the cart.)
Find people who are the best Online Influencers and share with them. When (if) they interact with you, their followers are led to your site. Who are these online influencers? Well, they usually have the most followers, and they are the perceived experts.

Monitor Effectiveness:

Use Google Analytics for your site data to recognize successful topics and plot new ones. To compare your blog authority with others, try Technorati or another rating tool. (To which I say: Do I really want to rate my insignificance? Really?)

Reputation Management:

After the recent author review debacle, we all can use a little reminder here. We are responsible for our own reputation. This means a) not writing things that can bite us back, and b) creating enough good content to bury the odd negative remark. Another good point to remember here is that faithful followers are the best defenders. If you are not building an online presence for yourself, someone else will do it for you. Many people have pounded this into my head, so it's my turn to pass on the tough love. Also, keep your social media profiles current. (WTH is my password for Linked In?)

If you can't do it, find someone who can!

There are people out there who can ghost for you. Maybe its a family member, or a local small business.... It's your message. Own it!

Thank you shout out to the awesome WNBA Panelists who inspired this post:

Kelly Yale of Paper Blossom Marketing ( She reps authors, btw)
Rebecca Plaisance of  Macaroni Kid Charlotte
Lyell Petersen, Director of Web Strategy for
Jessica Daitch, Public Relations Specialist and Freelance writer


Don't forget to enter the contest for a copy of Tracy Marchini's new e-book, PUB SPEAK: A WRITER’S DICTIONARY OF PUBLISHING TERMS. I'm taking entries until 6 p.m. EST tomorrow. Results will be in Friday's post on Treehouse Hotels.

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Monday, April 11, 2011

Writers Conference or Workshop?

Tracy Marchini, freelance writer and editorial  consultant extraordinaire, is here to discuss some writerly pursuits and tell you about her new e-book. (Remember her awesome post on craft).
From Newberys to Nebulas, wholesalers to world rights, PUB SPEAK: A WRITER’S DICTIONARY OF PUBLISHING TERMS is a reference book for every author.

PUB SPEAK explains commonly used terms from all sides of the industry. Terms defined include those used in contracts and royalty statements, crafting fiction and non-fiction, ebooks and audiobooks, social networking, retailers and distributors, industry and author organizations and awards, and general publishing terms. Designed for both aspiring and established authors, PUB SPEAK can be read through for a deeper understanding of the industry, or used as one would a traditional dictionary.

PUB SPEAK: A WRITER’S DICTIONARY OF PUBLISHING TERMS is available as an ebook through Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Smashwords and Amazon UK.

Hint: Contest at the bottom. One lucky winner will get a copy of PUB SPEAK. :)

On to today's topic:

Conferences, Workshops and Retreats: Which is best for you?

For most writers, attending a conference, workshop or retreat is something that is done once a year or so. To be sure you get the most out of your experience, here’s a few questions to ask yourself in order to pick your best option.

1.) Do you want to spend the time writing?

If you’re looking for a chunk of uninterrupted writing time, a writer’s retreat is a fabulous option. I spent a month at La Muse and was able to complete an entire draft of a novel, as well as making friends with other writers and enjoying the French countryside. For most retreats, authors and artists are left to their own devices, and what you get out of the retreat depends on your own self-discipline and the amount of preparation you’ve done before hand.

When I went to La Muse, I had already written seventy pages of a novel. I knew that I actually had to scrap what I’d written and change from a dual-voice YA to a single-voice YA. But since I already had characters and an idea of where the novel had to go, I could jump into the writing process once I arrived. You don’t need to have outlines, maybe you’re just going with an idea. Or maybe you need inspiration. But I think it’s wise to think about what you need at that particular time and what you hope to accomplish while you’re there. The time will go faster than you think, and suddenly you’ll be packing your bags to go home.

If you feel like you need a bit more structure, then perhaps a workshop is the better option for you. The Highlights Founders Workshop I attended was fabulous. We were a small group of twelve people, and we spent each day with prompts, writing exercises and readings designed by our mentor, Kim Griswell. We would have an exercise, write and share. The goal of our particular workshop was to find our voice, and our assignment by the end of the workshop was to deliver “one true story.” Each workshop is different, and the website would tell you if the end-goal was to work on a particular novel that you had already started, or if it was perhaps to inspire or stretch your writing in another way. I wrote the first story I sold to Highlights at this particular conference, and it definitely changed the way I thought about the type of writer I was.

There may be writing intensive sessions at some conferences, but if the goal is to seriously get busy with paper and pen, you may be more successful at a retreat or workshop.

2.) Are you looking for feedback?

If you’re looking for a critique of a particular manuscript, your best bet may be a writer’s conference or workshop that requires you to come with work in hand. Though you may find fellow writers that are willing to critique your work at a retreat, this isn’t guaranteed and depends on the personal goals of your fellow retreaters. It is probably best to assume that all the writers at a retreat are there to write, and not to critique.

If you’re a children’s writer, many SCBWI regional conferences offer 15 minutes or so with an editor, agent or published author who has read your work in advance and is prepared to give you professional feedback. The two national SCBWI conferences (New York City and Los Angeles) host writer and illustrators intensives before the conference, but during the main event you will find panels and sessions, but there won’t be any critiquing.

Usually, the critique slots fill up quickly for established regional conferences, so be sure to submit your registration and manuscript early. (Shameless plug, I do critique professionally if your regional conference is already sold out.)

3.) Are you looking for a wider author network?

If you’re looking to find a local critique group or to meet local writers, a conference is ideal. A regional conference may have 100 – 300 authors interested in the same type of literature that you are writing and reading. You’ll also have the opportunity to chat with fellow writers between sessions and at lunch. It may not be as intimate as a workshop or retreat, but you may be more likely to find writers that live right down the block from you as opposed to across the continent. (Though nobody is really too far with the internet!)

4.) Are you trying to network with agents and editors?

Workshops may be lead by one editor or agent, which you would have more time to get to know as you’d be working intimately with them over the course of the workshop. National conferences may have a hundred editors and agents presenting and milling about, but it can be difficult to make a connection with so many people vying for their attention and time. One of the benefits to regional conferences though, is that you’ll see a variety of editors and agents, and there’s usually more opportunity to chat. You can sit next them at lunch, or perhaps have a quick chat after the session. You may also find that the editors of closed houses are more likely to take unsolicited submissions from conference participants for a limited time.

No matter which option you’re leaning towards, always read the descriptions, feel free to talk to previous conference or workshop participants and come with a professional and open attitude!

Thank you, Tracy!

Since there's so much speculation on self-publishing lately, I asked Tracy why she chose to e-publish PUB SPEAK. Here's what she said:

I think I'm going to do a mix of traditional and self publishing. Right now, I have manuscripts out to major houses and also a picture book geared towards regional presses. I think for fiction, very few people can be Amanda Hocking, and as a debut novelist I'd still want the weight of a traditional publisher. (Especially after I started looking into distribution.) But for this book I thought it'd be best to do it myself because it is a small niche market, and it's not quite large enough (over 400 terms, but that's about 100 pages of print) to do a decent sized hardcover. And, I've always wanted to try to put a book out myself, and this idea seems like the right one!
As promised, there is a contest and just one rule: Answer the following question!

What would a writer do with an exquisite corpse?

Toss your name in the hat! Results on Friday! Good Luck!

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Friday, April 8, 2011

Chimaera Flames of Olympos

Close-up view of the eternally 'flaming stones...Image via WikipediaHeading down the coast, toward Antalya, there's another Cilician Pirate hangout, Olimpos. Just by the name, you can probably guess that there's more to see than just pirates. There's an ancient city, breathtaking beaches, Mount Olimpos and it's coastal national park, cool treehouse hotels, and then there's the real reason people visit: Yanartaş, or burning stone.

The famous flames are the same ones from antiquity (Homer). In the Hellenistic era, they were thought to be the evidence of Chimaera, the dragon-like son of Typhon. But the flames are interesting to me because, as you know, fire is important to my djinn.

Eternal flames are also a nice tie-in to Zoroastrianism and Mithras, and I bet the pirates thought so too. I tell you, more and more links keep popping up between my pirate friends and the djinn. However, the name for my character is still eluding me.... maybe a play on the word Chimaera is in order...

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Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Red Riding Boots

Forgive my creative blogging slump for the day. I'm reworking a bit of my neo-byzantine world and I haven't any extra brain cells to spare! So I thought I'd ramble on about red...

Red boots in particular...not the Wonder Woman kind, or the patent leather ones that you might see on a woman of questionable repute. I'm thinking about a pair of oxblood riding boots- you know, the shade of reddish-brown that makes me think of a well-worn library chair, with tacking and turned legs. I've been wanting a pair of boots like that lately. Coveting the pair on the right, actually. Unfortunately, they cost $447.95 a pair. Sigh.

They're made by Frye and the company history makes me want them even more:

"The Frye Company is the oldest continuously operated shoe company in the United States. Founded in 1863 by John A. Frye, a well-to-do shoemaker from England, and family-run until 1945, Frye products have a long and illustrious history. Frye boots were worn by soldiers on both sides of America's Civil War, soldiers in the Spanish-American war, and by Teddy Roosevelt and his Rough Riders. When home-steading drew adventurous New England families to the West during the mid and late 1800's many of the pioneers wore Frye Boots for the long journey. Today Frye remains true to its roots with its line of heritage boots, but continues to innovate as it introduces chic new handbags, pumps, and sandals to its collection." via
So...why do I want red boots? Well, there's a story behind that. To the Byzantines, red shoes meant royalty, but I wasn't about to put my hero in ruby slippers, now was I? So I gave him a pair of tall boots....and now I want them!!!

This is good. right? We're supposed to write about things we like, things we know and appreciate so that it comes through for the reader.

What have you written about that's on your wish list?
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Monday, April 4, 2011

Is Bigger Fantabulous.... or Folly?

Maslak financial district in Istanbul, Septemb...Image via WikipediaOn Friday I posted about CittaSlow. Today we have the opposite. A city rushing ahead to meet the future. I say wait...

I'm probably not the only person who looks at Dubai's grandiose plans - a mini-world of man-made islands, or the famed Burj Khalifa looking out across the flat desert - and thinks "Why?" Apparently, Istanbul seems to be a little jealous though.

Don't get me wrong. I love Istanbul from the bottom of my heart. New. Old. It's all good. When the city makes the news, the real estate broker in me needs to share things like:

This Bloomberg article from 2/3/2011:
Istanbul Favorite European City for Property, PwC Survey Says

"Istanbul is the best place in Europe to buy or develop property as Turkey’s economic growth contrasts with declines across much of the region, a survey of 600 real estate professionals by PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP showed."

Europe’s next world cities: Istanbul and Moscow? – Greg Clark, Senior Fellow, ULI Europe

"The lessons from the global indexes are clear. Istanbul and Moscow are importantly located cities, ideally situated to host global firms and attract large scale investment to match their political and cultural significance. Europe may need them to succeed if the continent is to be competitive in the longer term. However, both powerhouses have struggled to improve their social and physical infrastructure and openness sufficiently to develop their knowledge and business credentials, which is holding them back from taking their recent progress to the next level."


Luxist: Istanbul Sapphire Is Europe's Tallest Tower

"Need more proof that Istanbul is becoming one of the most cosopolitan cities in Europe? Check out the Istanbul Sapphire, the 261-meter skyscraper that will be the tallest residential building in Europe once it is completed in late 2009. The skyscraper has been under construction for three years and recently reached full height. It will have 64 floors and offer 174 private residences. The total cost of the project is currently $200 million and around 40 percent of the whole project has been sold. The tower is also home to a shopping center, fitness center and spa, restaurants and includes vertical gardens and a viewing terrace." (Turkish Daily News)

Do we really need the tallest residential building in Europe to make our point? With golf at 160 meters above the ground? OK...maybe the shopping mall is an awesome idea....and I DO love the name Sapphire... Again though, I say wait a minute. Why do we need this obscenely tall building on the Istanbul skyline? It dwarfs everything around it....though it must have an awesome view over the city's seven hills and beyond.

As you can see, I'm torn. Go forward? Hold back? Well, what did I expect from a city known for it's dichotomies? Maybe Istanbul Sapphire fits right in.... Next thing you know, Trump will be building down the street. Oh, wait...what's this? Trump Towers Istanbul?  blah-de-blah  "first to bear the Trump name in Europe."

What was that other guy saying about infrastructure? ;)

Here's the developer's clip for Sapphire, in English:

Related Articles:

Spiderman to Climb Europe’s tallest building in Istanbul

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Friday, April 1, 2011

Slow Movements

via Wikipedia
Have you ever heard of Cittaslow? Me neither. Here's what Wikipedia says about it:

Cittaslow (literally Slow City) is a movement founded in Italy in October 1999. The inspiration of Cittaslow was the Slow Food organization. Cittaslow's goals include improving the quality of life in towns while resisting "the fast-lane, homogenized world so often seen in other cities throughout the world" – as the official description puts it. Celebrating and supporting diversity of culture and the specialties of a town and its hinterland are core Cittaslow values.

Cittaslow is part of a cultural trend known as the Slow movement.

Interesting concept. Apparently, Gökçeada (pic above) is about to claim a new title: Turkish island to become ‘slowest’ in world. Sounds like a nice place to go and write for a while, doesn't it? Quiet island in the Aegean. With lots of....quiet. Sigh. This is the second time I'm mentioning a retreat this week. Maybe I need one? Hmm. I'll have to settle for some yoga and reflection for the moment.

Speaking of reflection...I'd like to share the book trailer for my blogger friend Jessica Bell. It's Jessica's voice in multiple media: Her writing, her mother's lyrics, her singing voice, and her strumming the guitar. Trust me. You want to watch this haunting clip.

Greek cuisine, smog and domestic drudgery was not the life Australian musician, Melody, was expecting when she married a Greek music promoter and settled in Athens, Greece. Keen to play in her new shoes, though, Melody trades her guitar for a 'proper' career and her music for motherhood. That is, until she can bear it no longer and plots a return to the stage--and the person she used to be. However, the obstacles she faces along the way are nothing compared to the tragedy that awaits, and she realizes she's been seeking fulfilment in the wrong place.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Jessica Bell grew up in Melbourne, Australia, to two gothic rock musicians who had successful independent careers during the '80s and early '90s. She spent much of her childhood travelling to and from Australia to Europe, experiencing two entirely different worlds, yet feeling equally at home in both environments. She currently lives in Athens, Greece and works as a freelance writer and editor. Jessica Bell's poetry and short stories have been published in various anthologies and Literary Magazines. A full list can be found on her website. Additionally, she has written various English textbook materials and is also a singer/songwriter/guitarist. Ms. Bell's experience as an Australian living in Greece has greatly influenced her writing.

Jessica Bell has a Bachelor of Arts from Latrobe University, where she studied subjects such as modern English literature, fiction writing, nonfiction writing, screenplay writing, editing and publishing children's literature, myth and ideology, and 18th-century romanticism. AND

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