
Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Who's In Your Head?

 I was planning on a post about M Theory today, because I just read The Marbury Lens. But last week was kind of serious so this week I though I'd take a break and be more...entertaining!

Barbara Eden here is an example of what a djinn does not look like (anymore). And they don't live in bottles either, but that and what it represents is another post. A real djinn is someone who blends in with the rest of us, which is a scary thought, but...

What I want to say is, when I sat down to write my MS, I had physical features in mind for each character. But somewhere between there and here, specific other people crept into my head. Because I watch TV, go to the movies, surf the know what I mean. I found real LIVE people who could speak the words I've had floating around in my head. I thought I'd share who they look like to me now.

Main character, Sybil:Molly Quinn
(I watch CASTLE. All the time. It's Nathan's fault.)

Extroverted BFF known as Alexis: Teenaged Reese Witherspoon
(Yes, they have the same hairstyle. I did that on purpose. BFFs do crazy things...actually, the muse arranged a photo shoot.)


Romantic Interest, Haydon:Tom Wellings
(OK, I need someone who looks like him, because Tom Wellings is almost my age and we're not YA, but that's my visual.)


My favorite bad djinn, Gregor:Kivanç Tatlituğ
This photo is Tart-worthy, ne? Have to tell her about it...


Trickster, Bertrand:Jeremy Irons
(He's Jeremy Irons. I don't need an explanation!)

I guess you could say these actors are some of my muses, or maybe my it's my muse who has connections, because she sent me to them!

So....who's in your head? And isn't blogger annoying? I had to upload each of these pics separately!

See you Friday!


  1. Right now that devilish cartoon character of Jack Frost is in my head. We had a 30 degree temperature change here over night. Oh man and I love Jeremy Irons :)
    Jules @ Trying To Get Over The Rainbow

  2. Ooh, Jeremy Irons. He's my idea of a "sexy old guy".

    I do this too. I don't start out thinking of actors to play my characters, but some sneak in. Especially with the guys (because apparently, I'm boy crazy).

    Tristan: Henry Cavill kept popping in my mind (because Tristan is supposed to be ungodly beautiful, and this is how I feel about Henry)

    Thomas: is a mix between Heath Ledger (RIP,Boo) and Taylor Kinney.

    Glad to know, I'm not the only one who does this!

  3. I'm currently reading The Marbury Lens. I just started Part 2. It's getting a bit graphic but overall it's a great story.

    As far as who's in my head, it's not my current WIP characters. It's a character that I think has a story if I let him. He's a soldier in the civil war near Gettsyburg. Weird but can't wait to find out where it leads.

  4. I love I Dream of Genie!!! I remember being about 6 and wnating to be like her and live in a bottle and be all pink and blonde and have Larry Hagman as my husband! LOL!!!!

    Oooh who's in my head?!?! Daniel Craig! Take care

  5. I think visuals are great and it is funny how sometimes a real person can enter your imagination and play your characters. My characters start off looking like actors and then kind of go fuzzy and come back together looking slighting different. Kind of like when you're dreaming.

  6. I KNOW!! blogger is killing me! my post from yesterday was an image-oriented one and took me forever to upload each one! aghhhh!! ...ok, back to your question... who is in my head right now...hmmm... I have to say Audrey Tatou (Amelie) and Marion Cotillard (Edit Piaf and Dillinger's love interest in Public Enemies) ah! and after writing this, also Johnny Depp! I am in a french state of mind I guess...

  7. Ohhh, I love Castle.

    Love the muses and the pics. I've been told to find a tv/movie character for my mc, but I just haven't done it yet. Yours are awesome!

  8. oh, yes! Yes! Molly Quinn is SO Sybil. But I'm not sure it's right that Gregor is hotter than Haydon... :D hello! <3

  9. I love the pictures from your muse. I like to find pictures for my characters too. Thanks so much for visiting my blog. Yours is now on my bloggie friends list!

  10. Hah, sounds like you've got it all worked out. I'm not huge when it comes to detailed physical descrips of my characters, so it's always hard for me to envision actors.

  11. Mmmm...I like your beautiful character choices! Bad djinn...bad bad djinn...

  12. I love castle but the closest character is played by Tom Ward.

  13. Yes he IS TART-WORTHY!!! Nearly naked bad boy... oh, yes...

    I ALSO watch Castle (and it is Nathan's fault)--and I adore his red-headed family members (both mother and daughter)

    Great troop of characters!

    I totally thought Djinn were more... creaturey--I got that, though, from Bartemeaus.

  14. Now my head is running through all the old “I Dream of Genie” shows. Remember the “evil” twin sister. She wore blue and had dark hair. Oh, those were similar times…

  15. It's nice to have someone for inspiration to draw back onto when you're thinking hmm what would this character say in this situation? I use people I've met mostly but actors work too.


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