
Thursday, January 6, 2011

Antonine Nymphaeum

via Red-Bird @ Flickr
In the spirit of this month's series : International's an interesting idea for a destination wedding/honeymoon: The Antonine Nymphaeum.
Guest: "Where are you having the ceremony?"
Bride: "At the Antonine Nymphaeum... It's in an ancient city on the Mediterannean coast of Turkey."

Sounds original and hopelessly romantic to me. The site has survived for centuries, which bodes well for any union consecrated there, I suppose. But then, the place is a ruin, so maybe it would be a long lasting marriage, but not necessarily a good one!

Anyway, the recently restored fountain is near Antalya and all the wonderful sightseeing possibilities there. And you can always hop on a Blue Cruise...

Sagalassos archaeological site to host wedding ceremonies
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  1. ahh... Antalya. And we know what happens THERE! ;p That scrolling is gorgeous. I would love to visit Turkey... who knew? ;p <3

  2. I must learn to pronounce it properly first. Oh finding a (willing) groom would be handy too! LOL!!

    Absolutely romantic!!! Take care

  3. The craft work is amazing! So gorgeous! (I had to laugh at your ruin comment compared to marriage. So funny.)

  4. I love the picture of the place! It's so elaborate!

  5. Man what frieze on that building! That is gorgeous. and yes it does sound hopelessly romantic :)
    Jules @ Trying To Get Over The Rainbow


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