
Monday, November 1, 2010

Write My Name on Your Heart


Unut beni...AH!  Tarkan begs me to forget him everytime I listen. (He knows it's a lost cause.) But he seems to have had a change of strategy with his latest album Adimi Kalbine Yaz (Write My Name on Your Heart).

Beta readers are probably looking at this picture going "I know that face!" Yeah, he's the inspiration for my Turkish Casanova.

Tarkan may not be a household name here in the States, but he is THE biggest Turkish star.  He's known all over Europe too, thanks to Turkey's amazing nightclubs and their European patrons.

I'd love to share his videos, but they are really hard to come by, copyrights and all, so I encourage you to click the link to his official website (above) for some authentic Turkish entertainment.

And now, back to my revision!


  1. I can see why he is your inspiration! You could get lost in those eyes :)
    Jules @ Trying To Get Over The Rainbow

  2. Oooh he is so dreamy!!! Thanks for sharing his pic here! Good luck with your revisions!! Take care

  3. omg! I knew I recognized him. :D seriously, I did! ;p see what a fantastic writer you are~

    And congrats on the awards & followers! Almost there... :o) <3

  4. Tarkan!! wow, I remember his song "kiss kiss" (simarik) it was a total hit! but his eyes... omg...can't get over it!

  5. Happy revisions! I can see why you have him for inspiration.



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