
Thursday, November 11, 2010


Bosphorus Ferry.Image via WikipediaThe Bosphorus strait divides Istanbul into two parts, so as you can imagine, the Vapur ferry boat (and eventually bridges) played a huge role in the development of the city.

Generally, tourists stick to the older, eastern side of the city, since most historic sites are there. Many do opt for a ferry ride up the strait though, and they aren't disappointed.

The panoramic views are amazing...I still get the chills thinking of the first time I saw it.  Minarets and skyscrapers, lovely Yali mansions and palace gates... all of them change moods with the angle of the sun...see what I mean:

via wikipedia
Don't miss the ferry trip!
PS!!!! Just want to say THANK YOU to all of my followers! Serendipity hit 100 on Tuesday and Friday will be the 100th post. So as a special treat that day, I have author/freelance editor Tracy Marchini coming by for a Q&A on Writing. Amazing stuff on her resume: Curtis Brown and Taconic Press...and the "Wonderbar" Nathan Bransford has her on his Book Blogs sidebar. She's currently represented by Caren Johnson Estensen.  Worth checking out, I promise!

Now back to our show: If you have the time (about 10 minutes) this guy has a pretty HiDef video of his tour up the European side and a little of the Asian side down to Beylerberi Palace.

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  1. Congrats on 100th!!! :) PC is acting up so I'm steering clear of extras today.
    Jules @ Trying To Get Over The Rainbow

  2. I didn't know Istanbul was divided into two parts. So interesting. =)

  3. Oh if only I could pack my bags now and head over there!! Awwww what a lovely place to see while on a leisurely cruise...!!! Thank you for the info and stunning pics, take care

  4. You did it! I'm so proud. sigh. Seems only yesterday we were just getting started... ;p

    Can't wait to hear from Tracy, and a ferry ride sounds lovely~ :o) <3

  5. This looks fabulous! And I feel bad I didn't get back for the Ki-nigits yesterday! I read and then got caught in work and suddenly it was time to go home. I can't even imagine how they MOVED with all that heavy armor, but yes, the Python variety are always my favorite.

    In the second book of my trilogy, I have a teenage boy passing through this straight on his way to Romania--it will be quite some time before I get to revisions, as I am rewriting the first for selling before I bother, but I will remember you may have some helpful info on making the journey more realistic!

  6. i need to get to istanbul someday, looks like a wonderful city

  7. I LOVE the image of the red sunset and the mystical and romantic. I gotta go to Instanbul w/my hubby - I have been to Turkey many times for work, but never to Istanbul. Thanks for the tips!


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