
Saturday, October 9, 2010

The Query Cure

vis Academia Barilla
....I'm still looking for that actually. So if you come across it in your travels, let me know! However, I am letting my new query cure (as in "cure" a ham, which ironically, I don't eat) and hopefully when I look at it next week, I'll be able to separate the chaff from the grain.  Thought I'd put it out there for any passers-by to comment/assist.

So here's my latest attempt:

Sybil is really not a fan of “Once Upon a Time” and she’s certainly not interested in a Prince Charming, or Sultan, or any entitled Istanbulite who thinks Casanova is a demi-god. She’s perfectly capable on her own, never mind the literally painful nightmares which must have something to do with her adoption.

With two weeks left in her semester abroad, Sybil bumps into a familiar face, except she’s never met him before. Maybe she’s just curious because Haydon shares her clairvoyance, but he also triggers a fiery energy she has trouble controlling. Aggressive amber orbs and Technicolor visions haunt her when she tries to forget him and she finds herself tempted…until a fanatical priest forces the clues to fall into place.

Her biological mother helped her escape the chauvinistic clutches of the djinn world. So Sybil isn’t happy to be thrown back into it with Haydon, or to discover that the throne of Cilicia is her birthright. She just wants to get back to her old, predictable life. Instead she’s sucked into a power struggle with her father’s rival and faced with a choice: bigamy with a chance at regaining her humanity…or a future cut off from both worlds forever.

BURNT AMBER is a YA fantasy of 73,000 words, inspired by historical characters and landmarks. The older YA voice will appeal to Kristin Cashore fans. I use my experience from living in Turkey and marrying into a Turkish family to add authentic details. More information about the places, djinn lore and other customs described in the book can be found at

And here's my two sentence pitch:

Sybil is really not a fan of “Once Upon a Time” and she’s certainly not interested in a Prince Charming, or Sultan, or any entitled Istanbulite who thinks Casanova is a demi-god. So she’s less than pleased when she's sucked into a power struggle in the chauvinistic djinn world and faced with a choice: bigamy with a chance at regaining her humanity…or a future cut off from both worlds forever.


1 comment:

  1. Wow, sounds like a good story. :) I thought that was a country ham and had to come see (I do eat it):D
    Jules @ Trying To Get Over The Rainbow

    Now I'm hungry


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