
Thursday, October 21, 2010

Phaeton, Fayton, Caleche, Carriage...Whatever!

Horses on the island of BuyukadaImage via WikipediaSorry for the short post today, but I have a deadline for something else looming....

The faytons of Büyükada are cool way to get around. They're a much better option than a bike and definitely better than hoofing it (pun intended).

Since Büyükada is an island, everything has to be brought in on the ferry, so you've probably got bags to carry, maybe some kids to worry about, etc. Hop in and the driver will drop your stuff off at the hotel and then you can take a tour around the island. Don't miss the Museum of the Prince's Islands on your way.

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  1. Those are cool. I did this in Savannah, Georgia. But then being from KY anything with a horse is okay with me. :)
    Jules @ Trying To Get Over The Rainbow

  2. I agree with Jules, that is just cool. We only have one place here with a horse and buggy. It's downtown and very expensive.

  3. Wow. That's such a cool way of getting around! There aren't any horse-drawn carriages/buggies around here.

  4. I probably should have mentioned that there are no cars on the Prince's Islands...which makes the fayton very useful!

  5. and it's so colorful! nice one~ :o)

  6. Phaeton sounds so much cooler than carriage.
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