
Saturday, October 30, 2010

Being There Blog Awards

There was some feel-good energy flowing in the blogosphere this week. I picked up some interesting awards. The "I Wuz There" award from Holly Ruggiero, who celebrated her first blogiversary (I also won a lovely book of recipes!) and a "Happy 101" from Clarissa Draper (She landed a book deal this week!). It's nice not to have to pass them along or stand on my head holding my breath for 15 minutes. (You know what I mean). In the spirit of friendship though, I am offering the Happy 101 award to anyone who comments today. (I *heart* comments!)

Also, I'm almost to 100 posts and 100 followers. I'm tempted to make a guess which will come first, but I'm really not good at that kind of game. However, when I do hit 100 followers, I'm planning to have Tracy Marchini (freelance editor extraordinaire) stop by for a little Q&A session on writing.  If anybody has interesting questions, now is the time to send them over to me. I've also been hatching up a blogfest idea, but I need some collaborators. Anyone?

NB...I also picked up the Journey Support award for being a new(ish) follower from Jules at Trying to Get Over The Rainbow.  I'm passing this along (á la Jules) to anyone in the top three rows of my followers.


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