
Thursday, September 30, 2010


Fatih Sultan Mehmet Bridge; Istanbul, TurkeyImage via Wikipedia
There are two suspension bridges across the Bosphorus Strait in Istanbul. They bridge the continents of Europe and Asia, literally and figuratively. Because Istanbul is the point where east meets west.

In the past, European influence spawned a unique blend of arcitecture, known as european orientalism. Streets of Istanbul's fashionable Nişantaşı area look like they were dropped out of an art nouveau Parisian arrondisement. While the Orient Express carried eastern design from the Ottoman Empire to the heart of western Europe and those are only elements we see in the buildings around us. Aslan (the lion) even made it into Narnia with some Turkish Delight. I like to think of my WIP as another bridge to bring us all closer.

To celebrate thousands of years of history, Istanbul was designated as the European Culture Capitol 2010 by the European Union. The button on my sidebar always links to the offical site, which lists lots of museum exhibits, events and amazing performances. U2 had a concert there earlier this month as part of the program. Unfortunately I missed it, but my husband's cousin went and she keeps telling me how wonderful it was. I think she's rubbing it in.

Here's Bono speaking to the crowd about the bridges of the city and singing "I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For". (That would be an agent, for me. :))

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  1. Oh, I love that song! I understand the bridge thing too, but lord I hate driving over them. In fact I will go miles out of my way to avoid them :D
    Jules @ Trying To Get Over The Rainbow

  2. That U2 clip was interesting. I couldn't tell if they were applauding or booing Bono as she started to talk about the bridge. Is there something controversial about it?

  3. Suspension bridges are indeed freaky to drive on, but I love how they look. In Michigan, between the upper and lower peninsula, is the longest suspension bridge in the northern hemisphere (the only longer one is in Sydney)--it spans where Lake Huron meets Lake Michigan, and I LOVE it.

    I think it was the politician name that got the boos in that clip--interesting.

  4. It was indeed the politician who got the boos...So sad I missed that concert :(


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