
Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Blog Hop!

We interrupt our scheduled programming today for my first ever blog hop!

SA Larsen over at Writers'Ally is hosting. Look for the Linky List at the top of her right sidebar.

The theme is "I GOT U!!", beautifully illustrated by Garfield and Oddie here.  So let's delve into the most important writers' resource...the community of bloggers who have your back.
Today I'm singing the praises of my super supportive blogging budette, Leigh Moore of That's Write.

Leigh was the first writer/blogger to reach out to me. Though I've never met her or even heard her voice, I always imagine her smiling. (Could it be the emoticons?):D  We gripe about the Rs, we sigh about the magical kisses, we compare notes on YA writing. While Nathan Bransford is discussing the Dunning-Kruger effect, she's helping me cut out the "mer" and keep going.

Her posts remind me to tap into the emotional side of things, not just the plot twists and grammar tricks. They keep me grounded when I get caught up in too much subtext. They make me laugh on those days where I really want to give up.  Because let's face it...I have confidence, but how many Rs can a girl take alone?? (In my case, not very many.)

I have to share something I snagged off my fabulous critiquer, Tracy Marchini.

Hint: I think the old guys, Statler and Waldorf, are supposed to be the agents. I love The Muppets!

Disasterpiece! LOL
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  1. Neat. I do my first blogfest soon. I think it's my first. Well, anyway, great post. Love the muppets.


  2. Love the video! I'm still laughing. Leigh is great. (She actually won a book today from another contest on my blog.) I'm so glad you've been able to connect. Great post, and thanks for participating.

  3. Isn't this the greatest blogfest idea?! I'm loving it. This was a wonderful tribute to Leigh. :-)

  4. What a lovely tribute to Leigh...It's amazing how you can feel so close to someone you haven't "met."

    Now I'm off to meet Leigh...

  5. Hi, Carolyn! I found you on Sheri's blog. I LOVE Statler and Waldorf too! LOL... what a great likeness to the enemy agents.... no j/k... I'm sure the right one is waiting for all of us. (hopefully)
    I'll check out Leigh's blog now. Cheers! :)

  6. Thanks for hopping by all! Please give Leigh some love when you stop in there too.

  7. Nice post and I like your blog! Thanks for coming by mine, I was a little late with the blogfest entry. It's up now, though...

    I'm going to hop on over and have a look at Leigh's blog now...



    Can you believe it??? I've been working all a.m. and stopped to check in. CRAP! (Truth: I actually forgot what day it was...)

    Regardless, awww! Carolyn! You sweet thing... mer mer mer. I think you're great, and I've learned so much just by knowing you. Thank you! :o)

  9. Nice tribute! I love Leigh's blog. And I love Beaker...

  10. The Muppets are awesome! And I sort of love Leigh too:)


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