
Monday, August 16, 2010


Gulet, a two-masted cruise ship; Bodrum, TurkeyImage via Wikipedia

With the Mediterranean on one side and the Aegean and Black Sea on the others, sailing is not only important to Turkish life, it's a way of relaxing as well. I'm in the mood for a vacation... September is coming up, which is the best time. Less tourists and the water is still warm. But I'm sad to say, for yet another year the Turkish Blue Cruise remains on my bucket list.

I've done smaller day tips, but I was young and virtually penniless last time I was there alone with the DH. So I live vicariously (do you see a theme here?) through Sybil and she meets a guy who actually owns a sailboat...gush! Once you've been on the winding Turkish roads barely wide enough to pass the oncoming bus, you'll appreciate the calm and ease of travel in a gulet.

Antalya Airport is fast becoming the busiest in Turkey. The most easily accessible sailing trips start from Antalya, or Bodrum and follow the coast, visiting villages and stopping in beautiful coves along the way. You don't need to dress for dinner and there's no twisty slide at the pool for the kids. But you do get to see amazing sites like the sunken Lycian city of Kekova or the natural gas fires venting from Mount Chimaera (remember Oysseus?) Or if you're not into ruins, just soak up the gorgeous mediterranean sun and anchor in a secluded spot for the day.

Split the cost of chartering with some people you know, or book a trip on a shared cruise. Day trips are also an option if you don't have the budget but still want the experience. Take a dramamine if you have to, but whatever you do, just don't skip it!!

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  1. you make me want to go again. I went to Turkey in '96 as part of a trip to Greece. The beaches were beautiful and the countryside lush. It was much better than I expected.

  2. Turkey is a well kept secret Europeans have known about for a while, but we're just openeing up to. Wonder if I should keep telling everyone about it...


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