
Thursday, July 29, 2010

Boğaziçi University

Boğaziçi University, formerly Robert CollegeImage via Wikipedia

My main character Sybil is an exchange student at Boğaziçi University because somehow the stars aligned and I discovered the Duke in Istanbul program. I was excited about that because Duke is in my adopted home state.

Anyway, without getting into the argument about Duke Blue vs Carolina Blue... the program description made me wish I could go back in time for a do-over. It was so perfect it gave me goosebumps. Did you know that Duke is also home of the Blue Devils? How convenient :)

And even more convenient, most of the classes at Boğaziçi are taught in English. FYI:

Originally an American College, Boğaziçi was founded by a wealthy New York merchant and a professor from New England in 1863 but had recently been transferred to the Turkish government. (Burnt Amber Chapter 1)

The university's setting in the Bebek area is breathtaking, with views of the Bosphorus, a historic castle near the gate and tons of great places to eat and play nearby. I can't wait til my kids are old enough to go! Do you think I'm being too pushy??

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1 comment:

  1. No! You're not being pushy :) I'm a graduate of that breathtaking university and now being at Columbia I still miss that campus!

    Don't miss the 'erguvan's in late april and early may !


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